Google Algorithms Update 2019 : March Broad Core Florida 2 Update

by - Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Google Algorithms Update 2019:  March Broad Core Florida 2 Update

Danny Sullivan of Google has confirmed that Google is updating its algorithm. He called it another broad core update.

Brett Tabke of Pubcon received advanced notice from Google that a big update was imminent. It was decided beforehand to call it Update Florida 2. It was passed along from Google that this update is important and big.

UPDATE: Google is now officially calling this update the March 2019 Core Update.

How Big Is This Google Update?

Based on what I have been told, this update is important. The information that I was given is that this update is one of the biggest updates in years.

In the past, when a big Google Update has happened, it usually has meant the incorporation of something that profoundly changed how sites are ranked. Last year’s update incorporated what Google called Neural Matching.

So it may be reasonable to assume something on this scale may have been implemented, judging from the credible inside information I received.

What’s the Goal of This Broad Core Update?

A broad core update means that Google is not targeting any niche or any particular signals, like quality. In a broad core algorithm update, Google is not targeting anything.

Some in the SEO industry theorize that Google “targets” specific industries. But Google’s John Mueller has consistently denied that broad core updates target specific niches.

Broad core updates do not target websites, niches, or qualities. That is why Google has said that in broad core updates, there is nothing to fix.

The best approach to understanding a broad core update is to set aside preconceptions that Google is targeting low page quality or niches. Then focus on relevance related factors.

How to Respond to a Broad Core Update
I have analyzed many websites that have been affected by broad core updates.

One common issue I have discovered is what looks to me like a change in how Google Interprets a search query. This can affect how a page is ranked.

Many other factors can affect a web page’s ranking as well, such as links. Links remain a highly important ranking factor.

What Is a Broad Core Update?

Broad Core Updates are improvements to Google’s overall algorithm for the purpose of better understanding of search queries and webpages.

These improvements help Google to more accurately match search queries to webpages and improves user satisfaction.

It can be said that the underlying goal of all broad core updates have been to improve user satisfaction.
One of the past broad core updates involved the introduction of Neural Matching (read about Neural Matching algorithm here). Neural matching was not targeting anything.

It was simply a way for improving the relevance of the web pages in the search result so that they more adequately answered a search query.

Why Was the Update Called Florida 2?

Google’s Florida Update was an important one in the early The 2000s. It was so named because the algorithm change coincided with the Pubcon Florida SEO conference.

The whispers about this update also coincide with 2019 Pubcon Florida conference, so it was decided by Brett Tabke, founder of Pubcon and WebmasterWorld that this update will be named, Google Florida Update 2.

Webmaster World has traditionally named the Google Updates.As we noted earlier, Google is now officially calling this the March 2019 Core Update.

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